Use Cached Images in Flutter

Create Free Backend With Appwrite


Cached images are images that are stored locally after the first download. Here are some of the benefits of using cached images in your Flutter application:

  • Faster Loading Times:
  • Less Network Usage:
  • Improved User Experience:

How to Use Cached Images in Flutter

To use the cached_network_image package, you need to add cached_network_image package in your flutter project. Open your terminal and go to your project directory and execute the following command:

flutter pub add cached_network_image

Import the Package

Now, you need to import the cached_network_image package in your flutter application. To import the cached_network_image package, open your main.dart file and add the following import statement:

import 'package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart';

Use the Package

Now, you can use the cached_network_image package in your flutter application. To use the cached_network_image package, open your main.dart file and add the following code in it:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Use Cached Images in Flutter',
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Use Cached Images in Flutter'),
        body: Center(
          child: CachedNetworkImage(
            imageUrl: '',
            placeholder: (context, url) => CircularProgressIndicator(),
            errorWidget: (context, url, error) => Icon(Icons.error),

In this code:

  • imageUrl is the URL of the image you want to cache.
  • placeholder is a widget displayed while the image is loading.
  • errorWidget is displayed in case of any loading error.