Update All Packages in Flutter

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Update All Packages in Flutter

We shall discover how to update every package in Flutter by looking at this example. To update all of the flutter packages, we will use the flutter pub upgrade command.

See Available Upgrades

If you want to see the available upgrades, you can use the flutter pub outdated command. It will show you the available upgrades for your flutter project.

flutter pub outdated

Update All Packages

To update all packages in flutter, you can use the flutter pub upgrade command. It will update all packages in your flutter project.

flutter pub upgrade

Update a Specific Package

If you want to update a specific package, you can use the flutter pub upgrade command with the package name. It will update the specific package in your flutter project.

flutter pub upgrade <package_name>

Example: Update Specific Package

Let’s suppose you want to update the firebase_auth package. To update the firebase_auth package, you can use the following command.

flutter pub upgrade firebase_auth

Update a Specific Package to a Specific Version

If you want to update a specific package to a specific version, you can use the flutter pub upgrade command with the package name and version. It will update the specific package to a specific version in your flutter project.

flutter pub upgrade <package_name> <version>

Example: Update Specific Package to a Specific Version

Let’s suppose you want to update the firebase_auth package to version 1.0.0. To update the firebase_auth package to version 1.0.0, you can use the following command.

flutter pub upgrade firebase_auth 1.0.0