Questions for Practice 5

Create Free Backend With Appwrite

Flutter Navigation Practice Questions

  • Create a basic Flutter app with three screens: Home, About, and Contact. Implement navigation between these screens using MaterialPageRoute.
  • Develop a Flutter application with a bottom navigation bar. Ensure that switching between the tabs does not rebuild the pages.
  • Implement named route navigation in a Flutter app. Create a menu with options, and each option should navigate to a different screen using named routes.
  • Build a multi-page form in Flutter where each step is on a different screen. Use named routes to navigate between the steps and pass data across these screens.
  • Design a master-detail interface in Flutter where selecting an item from a list on the master page navigates to a detail page with more information about the item.
  • Create a Flutter app with a drawer menu. Each item in the drawer should navigate to a different screen using named routes.
  • Implement an authentication flow in Flutter. After login, redirect the user to the home screen, and ensure the back button does not navigate back to the login screen.
  • Develop a Flutter app with a nested navigation scenario where a tab navigator is nested inside a bottom navigation bar, and demonstrate switching between nested routes.
  • Create a Flutter app with a custom transition animation between screens. Use named routes and customize the MaterialPageRoute to achieve this.
  • Build a Flutter application with an onboarding flow. Use named routes to navigate through the onboarding screens, and after the last screen, navigate to the main content.