Introduction to State Management

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State means the data or the properties of an app that can change over time. State management is the process of managing and updating the state in your app.


Note: Proper state management helps you build scalable and maintainable Flutter apps.

Why State Management?

You should use state management in your Flutter apps to:

  • Keep UI and business logic separate.
  • Keep your app’s UI in sync with its data.
  • Update the UI in response to user interactions or other events.
  • Manage app-wide state and data.

State Management Approaches in Flutter

Flutter offers multiple ways to manage state, including:

  • Local State Management: Using StatefulWidget to manage state within a widget.
  • Global State Management: Managing app-wide state using solutions like Provider, Riverpod, Bloc, and more.

Here are some popular state management packages for Flutter:

  • Provider: A simple and effective way to manage app-wide state.
  • Riverpod: A provider package that offers a more powerful and flexible way to manage state.
  • Bloc: A predictable state management library that helps you manage app state and UI separately.
  • GetX: A lightweight and fast state management solution for Flutter.


This is all about State Management in Flutter. In the next section, you will learn Provider, and build quiz app using it.