Navigation Methods in Flutter

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In this section, you will learn about useful navigation methods in Flutter. Here are some useful navigation methods:

Navigator.push() is used to navigate to a new screen by pushing it onto the navigation stack.

Example 1: Using Navigator.push()

In this example below, you will learn how to navigate to a new screen using Navigator.push().

// Navigator.push example
  MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => AboutScreen()),
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Navigator.pushNamed() is used to navigate to a new screen using a named route. Named routes are routes that are named using a string.

Example 2: Using Navigator.pushNamed()

In this example below, you will learn how to navigate to a new screen using Navigator.pushNamed().

Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/about');
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Navigator.pop() is used to return to the previous screen, effectively popping the current screen off the navigation stack. It’s akin to the back button on a device.

Example 3: Using Navigator.pop()

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This method replaces the current screen with a new one on the navigation stack, which is useful in scenarios like a login flow where you do not want the user to return to the login screen.

Example 4: Using Navigator.pushReplacement()

  MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => HomeScreen()),
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Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil() pushes a new screen and removes all the previous screens until a certain condition is met. This method is handy for logging out a user, where you want to remove all screens from the stack and navigate back to the login screen.

Example 5: Using Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil()

  MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => WelcomeScreen()),
  (Route<dynamic> route) => false,
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