Build a settings page in a Flutter app that saves user preferences using Shared Preferences. Include options like theme color and notification settings.
Develop a todo list application where tasks are stored and retrieved from local storage, ensuring data persistence even after the app restarts.
Design a user profile screen where users can enter and save their information (like name, email, and profile picture). Use local storage to save the data.
Create an app for tracking game scores that stores the high scores locally using Shared Preferences, allowing users to view their best scores over time.
Build an app that allows users to select their preferred language for the app interface, and save this preference using Shared Preferences.
Develop a Flutter app with the functionality to switch between light and dark themes, saving the user’s preference in Shared Preferences.
Build a simple shopping app where the user’s cart items are saved in local storage, ensuring the cart remains intact even if the app is closed and reopened
Design an app where users can create notes and categorize them. Use local storage to save notes and their respective categories.
Implement an onboarding process for first-time users and use Shared Preferences to store a flag indicating that the user has completed the onboarding.
Build a fitness app that tracks daily steps or exercise routines and saves the data locally, allowing users to view their progress over time.